Jerusha Manoj
Jerusha Manoj Hi everyone, thank you for checking out my blog. I hope you found something helpful! I want to make a disclaimer that what works for me may not work for you and vice versa. I'm also still learning about my hair. This blog is to document what I learned. Enjoy the read!

Schwarzkopf : Ultra Glued Styling Gel

Schwarzkopf : Ultra Glued Styling Gel

See, personally, I don’t like this gel. It may work for a short period of time, but then it becomes incredibly drying and makes my hair frizzy. It completely defeats the purpose of using a gel…

I actually used this product in one of my TikTok videos just to hold down my baby hairs for two seconds. That’s literally how long this gel holds my hair.

People with dry or brittle hair might find this gel too drying or potentially damaging in the long run. It contains high levels of alcohol, which can contribute to further dryness.

I personally don’t recommend this product for those who intend to use it as a gel. However, your results may vary, so give it a try if you’re curious.
