Jerusha Manoj
Jerusha Manoj Hi everyone, thank you for checking out my blog. I hope you found something helpful! I want to make a disclaimer that what works for me may not work for you and vice versa. I'm also still learning about my hair. This blog is to document what I learned. Enjoy the read!

Misting Spray Bottle

Misting Spray Bottle

This is a must-have. In order for curly hair products to work at their best, you should soak your hair first. I mean, really soak it.

The typical spray bottle just aims a stream of water onto a small portion of your hair, making it take longer to wet your whole head (especially if your hair is thick). However, this is a misting spray bottle that gets water onto large portions of your hair.

It’s almost like it has a timer on it too. One click, and I swear it mists for 10 seconds. My fingers don’t have to hurt anymore because I don’t have to spray that many times. I highly recommend it.
