Jerusha Manoj
Jerusha Manoj Hi everyone, thank you for checking out my blog. I hope you found something helpful! I want to make a disclaimer that what works for me may not work for you and vice versa. I'm also still learning about my hair. This blog is to document what I learned. Enjoy the read!

As I Am : Classic Leave-in

As I Am : Classic Leave-in

The As I Am Classic Leave-In Conditioner is a highly regarded hair product known for its moisturizing and nourishing properties. Its standout feature is its ability to provide intense moisture to the hair, thanks to a blend of natural ingredients such as shea butter, coconut oil, and aloe vera.

This leave-in conditioner is particularly beneficial for those with dry or damaged hair as it effectively helps to restore and maintain moisture balance. I’ve even received comments on TikTok mentioning how it helped with their damaged hair.

In my personal experience, the product was just okay in terms of performance. However, I continue to use it to avoid wasting it. I feel like it doesn’t have a significant effect on my hair (not bad or good). Despite receiving comments from others claiming that this product is a holy grail, I personally don’t see it that way. I’ve read that individuals with fine or low-porosity hair may find better results by using a lighter amount of the product or diluting it with water, as it can be slightly heavy for certain hair types.

Overall, I still recommend this product because, despite it not working for me, I receive a significant number of comments highlighting how good it is. Perhaps I’m using it wrong, and it may work better for others.
